My professional experience includes 13 years of in teaching and research in the field of plant systematics and economic botany, particularly medicinal plants, at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. I have been awarded consultancies in quantitative and qualitative analysis of the nutritional content of vegetables used in famine conditions of Southern Sudan (CRS), plant diversity assessment of the KARI transgenetic cassava field trial site at KARI (Alupe) and assessment of training manuals for FAO (Kenya Field Schools programme). I have also been involved in preparations of a proposal to GEF. I have been involved in collaborative researches: Phylogeny and medicinal uses of Plectranthus globally; BOZONET- (enhancing taxonomy for conservation); and currently VicRes Project in the Lake Victoria basin and in the medicinal plant utilization of Kakamega forest. In addition, I am a Research member of the Kenya Medicinal and Aromatic plants (KMAPS) (KARI- University of Nairobi) and of the Kenya Aloe Working Group.